Angela Bloomfield Net Worth (Updated 2023)

What is Angela Bloomfield net worth? According to us Angela Bloomfield net worth is estimated at around $350,000 also she is counted among the oldest actress in the movie industry, right now she is over 49 years old


Angela Bloomfield is a New Zealand and also a movie director she is among the influential celebrities in the New Zealand entertainment industry; she has build a huge fame not only in her country New Zealand but all over the world

Angeal Bloomfield is also among the oldest people in the movie industry she has been into the acting business for more than a decade. Angela Bloomfield has worn the attentions of millions of people across the globe.

Been a successful actress a lot of people keep demanding for Angela Bloomfield net worth; many people wants to know how much does this success actress make and that’s the main reason why we write this content

In this epic content of ours we are going to determine Angela Bloomfield net worth by calculating all that she has make her field of work.

So let’s get to her net worth in 2022

Net worth$350,000
Source of incomeTv shows

Angela Bloomfield Biography and Net worth

Before we get to Angela Bloomfield net worth lets first look at her biography and entertainment career so as to understand who she is.

Angeal Bloomfield was born and in Auckland in New Zealand; she was born on the 11th of December 197 right now she is over 49 years old.

Angela Bloomfield attended Maasey High school in the west of Auckland in the city of New Zealand. According to Angel Bloomfield profile on Wikipedia it was written that she started her acting career when she was 24 year old.

Angela Bloomfield has performed in several numbers of movies in the years of her career. She has acted movies such as Bonjour Timothy, the frighteners and a lot more.

Like said earlier the main reason why we write this content is to determine Angela Bloomfield net worth so let’s not say much here on her biography

Angela Bloomfield Income from Films and Tv shows

This is the major way which Angela Bloomfield makes money anytime she acted a movie she earn a lot of money from it. Her payment depends on the role given to her.

So to know Angela Bloomfield net worth we must know how much she has been making from all the movies that she has made. Based on the research that our team has conducted we found out that Angela Bloomfield has in a lot of movies in the years of her career and also she has directed a reasonable amount of movies too.

So the big question here is how much did Angela Bloomfield makes from all of these movies that she has acted?? Well no body can tell that. The only thing we can do is to make a rough estimate of how much she has made from all the movies that she has acted.

Here on this website we determine the net worth of celebrities by calculating every single penny that they have make and that’s what makes us different from other website.

So let’s start calculating her net worth

According to Angela Bloomfield profile on Wikipedia she has acted the total number of 5 movies and 4 television shows and below are the list of movies that she has acted

  1. The frighteners
  2. Bonjour Timothy
  3. Nova
  4. Lindas List
  5. Presentiment

So let’s do the math; how much did she makes from these movies that she has acted. Well according to the internet it was reported that on average Angela Bloomfield makes $15,000 from each movie that she has acted.

So if you pick up a calculator and do the math you will see that Angela Bloomfield has made over $135,000 from the movies that she has acted.

So let’s check how much did she make from the movies that she has directed? According to the internet Angela Bloomfield has acted the total number 4 movies and on average she earn $50,000 from each of the movies she has directed which means she has made over $200,000 from all the movies she has acted.

Now that we have known how much Angela Bloomfield has made from all the movies she has acted it’s time we make an ending to this content by telling his net worth

Angela Bloomfield Net Worth 2022

Angela Bloomfield net worth is estimated at around $350,000 also she is counted among the oldest actress in the movie industry; right now she is over 49 years old

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Ameen Malex is a Nigerian Technoprenuer, blogger and also the a chemical Engineer he is currently the owner of the website Naija Net worth , a website that predicts the net worth of Nigerian celebrities.

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