Mc Edo Pikin Net Worth (Updated 2023)

What is Mc Edo Pikin net worth? According to us Mc Edo Pikin net worth is estimated at around $100,000 (N50 Million Naira) according to us he is the richest comedian in the city of Edo state


Mc Edo Pikin is a Nigerian comedian and also a content creator he is among the successful comedians in the city of Edo state in Nigeria. He has built a huge reputation not only in his city Edo but all over Nigeria

There is no doubt that Mc Edo Pikin has a superb ideas when it comes to making comedy videos he’s comedy skits are played in almost every part of the country.

Mc Edo Pikin has win the heart of millions of people not only here in his native country Nigeria but all over the cities of west Africa. The guy is super famous.

Been a professional comedian in the Nigerian entertainment industry a lot of people keep demanding for Mc Edo Pikin net worth and that’s the purpose why we decided to write down this epic content.

In this content we are going to determine Mc Edo Pikin net worth by evaluating all the he has been making from the first day he started making comedy. When it comes to making money Mc Edo Pikin isn’t among the richest comedians in the entertainment industry.

So let’s dive into his net worth

Net worth$100,000

Mc Edo Pikin Biography

Before we get to his net worth lets first look at his biography and entertainment career.

Mc Edo Pikin was born and raised in the city of Edo state in Nigeria he was born on the he was born on the 22 of January 1990 right now he is over 30 years old.

According to the internet it was written that Mc Edo Pikin is among the first people that started instagram comedy in the city of Edo and luckily for him he gets to succeed in it.

The main reason why we write this content is to determine Mc Edo Pikin net worth so let’s not waste much time here on his biography.

Mc Edo Pikin income from YouTube

We all know that these days people makes lot of money using YouTube its now the new money making machine, if you can get people to be watching your content then you will make a lot of money from your channel.

YouTube is the giant tech that keeps on encoring content creator to be making videos every single day. YouTube partners with tech companies like Jumia, Flutter wave and others for advertisement.

They put ads in your video and whenever people watches the ads you get paid for that depending on the number of people that watched the video. So to know Mc Edo Pikin net worth we must know how much he has been making from YouTube.

Based on the research that our team has conducted they found out that Mc Edo Pikin has the total number of 20 million video views and on average he earn $3 for every 1,000.

If you grab a calculator and do the math you will see that he has made over $60,000 from his YouTube channel alone. Which is a lot of money when converted to naira?

Now that we have known how much Mc Edo Pikin has made from YouTube lets check how many endorsement deals he has been making in the years of his career

Mc Edo Pikin income from endorsement deals

This is also known as endorsement contract or sponsorships. This is done when a brand appoint you as an ambassador to promote their brand. It’s also an advertisement process.

According to the internet Mc Edo Pikin is among the few comedians that gets to bag endorsement deals in the years of their career. To complete Mc Edo Pikin net worth we must know how much he has been making from all the endorsement deals he has been bagging.

According to Mc Edo Pikin management he charge nothing less than a million for each endorsement contract and according to the internet below are the lists of brands that have had endorsement deals with Mc Edo Pikin.

If you do the math you will see that Mc Edo Pikin has made over from the entire endorsement contract he has been getting from brands in Nigeria. Now that we have finish evaluating his income it’s time we make an ending to this content by telling his net worth

Mc Edo Pikin Net worth 2023

Mc Edo Pikin net worth is estimated at around $100,000 (N50 Million Naira) according to us he is the richest comedian in the city of Edo state

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